Play Group


At this exciting age, infants and toddlers will be exposed to an environment that is rich in language and movement to foster fundamental skills and concrete foundation for their development. It is an accompanied program that encourages parents’ involvement and also helps children to ease into and integrate into a school environment and confidently adjusts to their successive classes. Our program lays the foundation for successful language learning, developing children's curiosity, cognitive, motor, and social skills in a warm and stimulating environment.
Age: Less than 2.6 years
Timing: 21/2 hours program
Method: Play way…Activity based. Children learn through play, developing the following skills Language | Motor | Social | Emotional | Cognitive | Aesthetic | Creative | Value Education
Activities: Up to 4 field trips in a year
Water Play (Pool day) | Fancy dress | Celebration of all festivals | Sports day | Annual Day | Grandparents’ day | Father’s day   
Aim: Getting into the habit of learning at school